
Thanks for visiting my page! This is my first ever blog so any help and recommendations are greatly appreciated!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Callen's First Steps

Ok, so this is my first ever blog not to mention my very first posting...but we have a very important milestone and thought, why not blog about it. So here I am.

My incredibly adorable 10 month old son, Callen, has taken his very first steps tonight! How and when did it happen, you ask? Well...we were having our weekly/bi-weekly dinner with the Kuhn's, Courtney and Caitlyn, Tim is out of town on business. Courtney and I were chatting on separate couches with our kids at our feet. Suddenly, Callen let go of my leg and took 4 steps to Courtney! It was the most amazing thing ever!!!! And the sad part, no camera or video for proof. Oh well, maybe next time, but at least I've officially documented it ;0)

1 comment:

  1. YAY! You're blogging! We can't wait to see Callen walk tonight! I'll teach you everything you need to know!
