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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Game Night

We had an exciting day today. Grandpa and Bobbie (my dad and step-mother, whom I both adore) spent the morning with Callen while Landon and I got to spend sometime on our own.
Grandpa and Callen
"Grandpa, it's time to wake up and PLAY!"
Callen loves to play cars
This evening we went to the Hardwicks' (http://glennandkerbihardwick.blogspot.com/)
for dinner. Kerbi, as always, cooked a delicious Lasagna and her homemade bread. We also played a little game called 42. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the game, you can find out more about this game here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/42_(dominoes). It's very similar to the card game, Spades, but it's played with dominoes.
Well, that's all for the night. We're headed to bed to get up early for church. Have a great weekend!


  1. Yesterday morning with our little Callen was great. We enjoy every time we get to be with him. He is just the greatest and great fun to be with. We appreciate the opportunity to see him grow as we have. He is growing by leaps and bounds, when we go a week without seeing him - he seems to grow that much more. You two are awesome parents and will do even better as time goes by. We are also happy to see that you have not given up your social life - don't ever do that. If there are times when you need to go without Callen - we are here. Friends are a very important part of marriage and believe me I can attest to that. You cannot live your life full and abundantly without them. Enjoy your friends and cherish them they are just as important as family. Keep up the good work Middletons!!

  2. OOPS, forgot to mention to you - follow my blog.
