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Sunday, July 10, 2011

It's Party Time!

It's getting to be about that time...my baby boy will be turning ONE on August 27! I can hardly believe it! And, as most parents, we are going to celebrate this joyous day with a grand party. The question is, how??? What theme should we have? Should we do 1 cake or 2 (one for Callen and one for guests), or cupcakes? Who should we invite? How much should we spend?

I've been thinking of having a Safari themed party. Here's a couple of ideas I've found online:

Any thoughts??? Does anyone have any suggestions on where to buy inexpensive party supplies?

I know that everyone says not to go overboard because he won't remember and you're suppose to do "more" each year as they get older, but turning ONE is a BIG DEAL! I mean, come on, he has survived, thrived, and grown for an entire year. Not to mention, Mom and Dad have survived the many sleepless nights and temper tantrums. So, we will celebrate our accomplishments, his and ours, with a fabulous celebration!

I would love to hear any advice anyone is willing to give!

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